Money & Plans

I don't really feel like writing this post actually, but somehow I think writing this on Facebook and/or.
Nisen Juuyon (二千十四)

image by holiday-jin
or 2014 if you don't understand Japanese lol. Anyhow, I know I didn't really.
また明日転職のカフェ。(see you again, Tenshi no Cafe)

Sorry for the lack of updates in the past month, just been busy with work, Grand Theft Auto V (that.
Urbanscapes Satellite Show #1
if seeing me blabbering about this event for the past week isn't enough, here is a blog post just to.
Stuck in the mean time...

Sorry for the lack of updates here, I guess I've been kinda busy this month as I finally started working.
At September's End...

Finally September is coming to an end. It might have been a long wait, but I guess with all the ups.