Posted by : Muzaffar Thursday, August 13, 2009

Well yeah, I know this event is in Japan and the odd and chances of me being there is absolutely zero but thought I would just post what I'm expecting from Comiket this time around....

As the name implies (which is short for Comic Market) you'd think they would just be selling comics over there but if you think that you'd be wrong. Sure the majority of the things selling over there would still probably be dōjin comics, as well as other dōjin products related to anime (note: dōjin just means fanmade/unofficial products which are made by "circles") but of course my main interest is the dōjin music, specifically J-Core. Here is the list of the albums that are on my wishlist:

[TANOCD-0010] HARDCORE TANO*C – Hardcore Syndrome 3
What can be arguably said the album that is on everyone's mind in the J-Core scene. All the best J-Core artists with their different styles combined into one mind blowing album, its just a recipe for total epicness!!! With the previous 2 "Hardcore Syndrome" anything to go by, this is just gonna be as good (if not better) than what the last one had to offer.

Another "V.A." compilation album, full of J-Core songs that are top notch. Not as good a lineup as TANO*C but none the less with names such as M-Project, DJ Sharpnel, DJ Aura Qualic, M-Neko as well as several others in the album, it is something to look forward to. Especially when there is Aura Qualic!!!! =D

[SRPC-0024] DJ Sharpnel - 妄殺オタクティクス
Don't think I have to say much about why I love DJ Sharpnel. After hearing DJ Sharpnel played his set on Otaku Hardcore Revolution 2 I'm just completely sold over why he is considered on of the best in the J-Core scene. Wish I had the time to listen to more of his songs on my computer....

[DARKCD-0007] Druggy's Acid RacK - Pain Continues
Another J-Core compilation album, with probably even less known artists as the first two mentioned above. But of course with kenta-v.ez. and t+pazolite in it I just got to have this album, bringing their nu-style sound to a whole another level. Of course the other artists in the album is worth having a listen to as well, certainly something a little different from the more mainstream J-Core sound that is usually being played.

[MSTBL014] Mob Squad Tokyo – J-CORE MASTERZ VOL.5
Again, same s*** with J-Core and all but this time its more on the Mob Squad Tokyo crew. Only thing I'm looking forward to in this album (like almost every other MST albums lol) is Round Wave Crusher (a.k.a. Shingo DJ) hahahahaha.....

[ACED-018] ALiCE'S EMOTiON – Colors
J-Core with Touhou mixed in. Like almost every other Touhou music arrangement albums you'd think it would just suck right? Well yeah, I guess it kinda sucked but since its REDALiCE it probably wouldn't be all that bad. There is always one or two tracks that I would get addicted to right away and have a hard time stop listening to it. (which does happen quite often to me)

[IBCD-0009] Sound Online - Nostalgia
and lastly this. Something similar in a way to ALiCE'S EMOTiON album (being a Touhou arrangement album) I don't think I have to say much about the album. With that said though listening to a Tsukasa composed song is pretty good....

Well yeah that is all I have to list down right now, would have like to added more to the list but that would take up so much time. Also I know there is also many other things I would like to cover that is coming up at Comiket (like the comics and figurines) but I don't think I have much interest (or the money for that matter) to talk about them. Unlike music which is easier to find and get (if you know where to look) I have a very little chance of obtaining those other stuff here. If you guys want to know more about the other albums being released at Comiket or just want to know Comiket in general, just check out the link below.

Upcoming Releases
Comiket website

3 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Comiket...the mother of all anime conventions :)

  2. kevo says:

    Oh yeah. I cannot wait to get my hands on the new dj Sharpnel album. Tons of other goodies. Natsucomi is definitely the most wonderful time of year! :D

  3. Xeno says:

    holy shi-
    just saw the event's pic at sancon..
    so many people 0_o

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