Posted by : Muzaffar Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hehe, thought it would be more interesting to post that title instead of the usual titles that I usually write. =P

Well if you don't know what the title means (I'm sure you don't if you don't know Japanese) I'm just saying that I finally passed my driving exam. Yeah, everything is settled the first time round and I don't have to take a second JPJ driving test. Of course I am happy to get my license, but I have other things to worry about right now like how well my SPM result will be and where I will be taking my life in the future. But for now (in this time and moment at least) I'm glad that I managed to fulfill one of my goals from my new years resolution a few months ago, and that I'm just that one step closer to achieving that certain something in my life that has been missing all along....

Anyway, I really don't feel like typing the activity I did right now but hopefully will try my best to write it up during the weekends. Oh and sorry if there is no pictures about it, you know how I like to be anonymous when posting these kinds of things.

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